“I wear my paintings.
Don’t you?” -K. Desai
Painter | Sculptor | WRITER
>>> Evolving Artist
“Create in the way you need”
-K. Desai
LIfeLONG LEARNER | SURVIVOR | global citizen
Artistic Process
“Art making is hard work.
Physical. Mental. Emotional.
It takes all of me to create
something that I can call finished.
The in-betweens are what I call iterations.
I iterate until the piece tells me it is complete.
[Yes, we (the piece and I) speak often.]
This can take months to years
depending on the piece’s temperament.
During this time, I willingly unleash my soul wholeheartedly into each canvas, panel, sculpture, or drawing.
The last 20 to 40 percent of art making requires my raw emotions, patience, and curiosity.
It takes all of me to create and then, find residual energy and confidence to share with the world.
It’s like a personal diary that everyone can read.
Unguarded, honest, and available.
It is a beautiful, humbling process that I am committed to iterating”.
— K. Desai
^Be & Think
*Create* ^Be & Think \Edit/ ~Iterate~ Finish!